by Hannah Hollins
Yesterday, Earthbound became available for digital puchase in the online Wii U store for $10. This came as a complete surprise to gamers everywhere-- there was no big announcement for the reintroduction for this SNES cult favorite.
With very few new games being released for the WiiU console, Nintendo is making their strongest sales with the re-release of their back catalogue. Once again, the best parts of NES and SNES are available-- but this time around, you don't have to blow on the cartridge and reset the console several times.
While it's a joy to see Nintendo capitalizing on the popularity of their past games, it is necessary for Nintendo to create new content so the Wii U can stay relevant. Even if new games are being developed, Nintendo should still be informing fans of new re-releases of games in their digital store. Though seeing Earthbound pop up in the digital store yesterday was a pleasant surprise, a more public announce of its rerelease may have generated some much-needed positive buzz around Nintendo.